Titan Gear is a turn-based tactics game where players must strategically position their units and choose from a variety of attack options to outmaneuver and defeat their opponents. Master the battlefield by anticipating enemy moves and unleashing powerful attacks to secure victory in this high-stakes, tactical showdown.

WASD: Move

Space: Jump

Mouse: Select Card/Aim/Shoot

Movement and jumps consumes action value represented by the bar at the top. When action value is fully consumed, player can no longer move this turn. The action value replenishes at the start of the turn.

Card Types

  • Shotgun - Direct shot
  • Rocket - Charges and shoots projectile that explodes on impact
  • Grenade - Charges and throws projectile that explodes after 3s
  • Heal - Heals current Mech

Replenish a card after opening a crate and 2 after defeating an enemy

Obtain final crate at end to complete the game

Game Design was a collaborative effort to which the entire team contributed.


Khairul - https://legendstudio.itch.io/: Programming

Fouad - https://circusfreaks666.itch.io/: Programming

https://black-fira.itch.io/: Music/sfx

Chris - https://kurisuuuu.itch.io/: Character Spriting, Tileset design

Vaughn Langen - https://sgtweirdo.itch.io/: Character Rigging, Animation, Planning

Postjam Bug fixes:

  • Fixes enemy spinning on spot
  • Adds enemy jump when blocked by platform
  • Fixes projectiles only being able to shoot forward
  • Adds grenade to card spawn pool (previously players will have only one copy for whole of game)
  • Makes tough jumps easier
  • Grenade explodes at 3s instead of 5s


Titan Gear.rar 30 MB

Development log

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